Triad of Uncertainty
Much of the conflict in the modern world is the result of a misunderstanding of its nature, which changed dramatically about ten years ago. The main features of the nature of the modern world are three, which I would call the “Triad of Uncertainty”:
- There are no more things that may not be funny.
2. There are no things whose essence is so defined that they can be spoken of as something certain.
3. There are no things that can be said to be in place.

The triad of uncertainty leads to a situational worldview, which each time is based on the most convenient phenomena. People who do not perceive the triad of uncertainty belong to the old world. The new world seems to them opportunistic, treacherous, adaptive, and new people, according to the old, “sell the sacred for sausage.” The current economic and social situation does not recognize the existence of the “sacred” and does not take it into account at all. The “sacred” has finally become one of the marginal artistic practices: you can believe in the “sacred” or draw black squares, but all this makes no more sense than its market value, because what is really needed is sold. If you can’t sell your beliefs, then they have no value.