Fast Notion about Metamodern
In order to quickly get a fairly accurate idea of the metamodern, one has to imagine the inhabitants of a certain house, who threw away all their belongings in the trash, and instructed the artist to create something of value, but necessarily with the use of each thing and so that everything would not look like a collage or an assembly, but would remind of something new and quality that had just been purchased at the store. The artist says to this, “Have you gone mad? Who will believe that this is a new and quality thing?” “Take it easy,” said the owners of the thrown things, “we will believe. You just wash there, wipe it … here, see, the rag lies? Wipe with the rag. To make it shine a little and look like new.” — “But you will recognize your things!” — the artist wonders . — “We won’t recognize,” the owners of the things respond, “because we’ve forgotten how they looked. There’s an old man here. He remembers something. But nobody listens to him.”